Newsgroups: Subject: Any bible reference to WW III in October 1995? Date: 07 Sep 1995 22:18:21 MET The stage seems to be set for a US/Russia superpower confrontation leading to WW III next month over NATO bombing policy in Bosnia. This will lead to a major naval battle where the US forces are destroyed and nuclear war. The war will last over 3 years and will include battles in the Middle East. Shortly afterward, the wars of the antichrist will begin. This will end in the battle of Armagedon when our Lord returns to destroy the enemies of the world. Daniel and Joel refer to many of these events. I am wondering if any, more scholarly than this inquirer, can draw any bible reference or interpretation to the initial battle between the US and the West vs Russia?? Time is short, unless we turn from the path of destruction and live by His ways and teaching. God bless you for reading this. Dave.