#!/usr/local/bin/perl $DIFF = "/usr/bin/diff"; $PERL = "/usr/bin/perl"; use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI::Carp; print header; print start_html("File Diff Example"); print "Version $CGI::VERSION

"; print <File Diff Example Enter two files. When you press "submit" their diff will be produced. EOF ; # Start a multipart form. print start_multipart_form; print "File #1:",filefield(-name=>'file1',-size=>45),"
\n"; print "File #2:",filefield(-name=>'file2',-size=>45),"
\n"; print "Diff type: ",radio_group(-name=>'type', -value=>['context','normal']),"
\n"; print reset,submit(-name=>'submit',-value=>'Do Diff'); print endform; # Process the form if there is a file name entered $file1 = param('file1'); $file2 = param('file2'); $|=1; # for buffering if ($file1 && $file2) { $realfile1 = tmpFileName($file1); $realfile2 = tmpFileName($file2); print "

\n"; print "

$file1 vs $file2

\n"; print "
    $options = "-c" if param('type') eq 'context';
    system "$DIFF $options $realfile1 $realfile2 | $PERL -pe 's/>/>/g; s/\n";

print <
CGI documentation

Lincoln D. Stein

Last modified 17 July 1996 EOF ; print end_html; sub sanitize { my $name = shift; my($safe) = $name=~/([a-zA-Z0-9._~#,]+)/; unless ($safe) { print "$name is not a valid Unix filename -- sorry"; exit 0; } return $safe; }