From: (Rob Slade)
Subject: Review of Netgames
Date: 06 Dec 1994 04:34:51 MET


"Net Games", Wolff, 1994, 0-679-75592-6, U$19.00/C$25.00
%A Kelly Maloni
%A Derek Baker
%A Nathaniel Wice
%C 201 East 50th Street, New York, NY 10022
%D 1994
%G 0-679-75592-6
%I Random House Electronic Publishing
%O U$19.00/C$25.00 fax 212-841-1539
%P 271
%S Net Books
%T "Net Games"

Well-researched and well-prepared, this is a cornucopia of information for
those who don't already waste enough time on the computer networks. Starting
with a solid introductory set of questions and answers, the listings are
divided into the broad topics of shoot-'em-up, role-playing and adventure,
strategy and classics, puzzles and trivia, video games, and MUDS. Within each
section there are further divisions; the strategy and classics part has
listings for chess, card games, war-gaming, and so forth. The individual
listings may describe Usenet newsgroups, specific downloadable game programs,
tip files, specific online and interactive games, and other resources.

Internet users should note that "net" is used in a generic sense. A large
proportion of the listings advertise games only available on commercial online
services. Some references are to Fidonet and other echo discussions. A
frustrating number of listings simply state "Check local bulletin board systems
for this or similar games." In this case, and in the case of games available
from commercial systems, no referents are given for archive filenames or
patterns to check.

Still, the sheer mass of data will provide something interesting for almost
everyone. You may, however, wish to keep this out of sight of those you want
to convince that the net is a serious tool ...

copyright Robert M. Slade, 1994 BKNETGAM.RVW 941011

DECUS Canada Communications, Desktop, Education and Security group newsletters
Editor and/or reviewer,, Rob Slade at 1:153/733
Author "Robert Slade's Guide to Computer Viruses" 0-387-94311-0/3-540-94311-0

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